
Today, I hosted a panel of area developers for our school’s celebration of the hour of code. Unfortunately, no one showed up – no students, staff, or parents. It was a large disappointment in my efforts to bring new forms of education to the school. While I am still disappointed, I am determined to continuing trying. That’s the nature of education, right?

Learning & conversing

Today, I spent the day making and learning by making. Though I’ve been a longtime believer in learning by making, I enjoyed spending time doing what I believe. Takeaways: Why do we teach the Haiku and not question it, but we question teaching programming in schools? If you teach English, be writers, don’t just learn about writing. If you teach science, be scientists. Be rather than do.

Comic Book Making

Today, I hosted our first of two October monthly maker parties. The focus: custom shoes and duct tape costumes/accessories. Today was the middle school students’ turn so I was welcomed with plenty of enthusiasm to go around. With the excitement and creativity, my enthusiasm runneth over.



Learning new things

Today, I started something I’ve put off forever – learning some new computer science languages. I’m starting with just a refresher of HTML and CSS, but I am anxious to move on to some new ones and fulfill a long-term goal of mine and a goal I make for my students.

Code like a girl

Today, I spent many hours working on plans for the #hourofcode activities this year. With two coding clubs going strong right now, I’m super excited for this year’s events. In honor of my excitement, I may have indulged in some of Code.org’s code swag.

First day run

I kicked off my first day of teaching in 6 years (at least with a full class of K-12 students) with a 5 mile race-walk. I’m thankful for the chance to get out my first day workout before my first day fatigue fully sank in.

Setting up class

Today, I set up my first classroom in 6 years. Though I share the classroom with other teachers so it is not entirely my own, it felt reminiscent of times ago. And, though, my original classroom days were rife with difficulties, I’m thankful for them and the kids who made me a better learner – not just a better a teacher.