Sweet niece of mine

I have one niece who’s sweet and sensitive, and I have one niece who’s spicy and rough. Today, I got to spend the afternoon making turtles and dancing to 90’s throwbacks with the sweet one. I hope she never loses here sensitive, sweet, creative, and caring demeanor.


Small but effective?

Today, we held our school’s first official EdCamp. While we did not get the turnout we expected, learning did happen, showing the power of collaboration. We didn’t have any “experts,” but we had each other and we had time. If only more PD focused on those two aspects…what could we do?

Love to my “maw-maw”

A year ago, I went on a searching rampage for a book I made of my great-grandma’s poetry after she died in 2003. For the past year, I’ve searched for it. Last week…I found it! Today, I opened  it up to read some of my favorite poems, and I remembered what love is on this Valentine’s Day. In the midst of chocolates, flowers, and significant others, love is something or someone who changes your life. For me, that was my maw-maw.

LaLa Land

Today begins 2017. So, we kicked it off with Lala Land, a great movie, by the way. What is your lala land? Was it meant to be? Or, was/is it just one part of your life? It was reminiscent of one of my favorite movies, Splendor in the Grass and one of my favorite poems by Wordsworth:

“Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower;
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind.”

Onward to 2017.

Out with the old

Today, I wrap up another year of snapshot journals. Fittingly, I amassed this pile of leaves just from one half of the front of our yard. Rather than “out with the leaves,” we mulch them, giving life to more plants. Next year, my focus for these daily journals will be on joy – taking this year and giving it life.