Sunday fundays

Are back! After a break over the holidays due to family traveling, my 8 immediate family members were back to share in Sunday fundays, a tradition we started when my niece was born nearly five years ago. A bit of shake sweetness and niece smiles is a great start to my first full week back.


Public outing

After the flu hit me hard, I’ve decided to take steps back gently. Today was my first full public outing — a showing of “Underworld.” While we wanted to see “Hidden Figures,” we discovered everyone else did so we saw the only movie open that we hadn’t seen and, fitting it was! Here’s to small steps.



Taco Tuesday

Today was the first day back from winter break and, unfortunately, I’ve come down with sickness #2 in less than a month. To try to appease the illness, we enjoyed the best queso around at Torchy’s. Yes, it added a bit of joy to my day.

LaLa Land

Today begins 2017. So, we kicked it off with Lala Land, a great movie, by the way. What is your lala land? Was it meant to be? Or, was/is it just one part of your life? It was reminiscent of one of my favorite movies, Splendor in the Grass and one of my favorite poems by Wordsworth:

“Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower;
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind.”

Onward to 2017.